Fakenham Golf Club
Course Etiquette

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Course Etiquette

Dress on the Course:
Conventional golf wear is required. Denim jeans, collarless shirts, training shoes, street shoes, tracksuits, football shirts etc. are not permitted on the golf course. If shorts are worn, they must be tailored. Socks must be knee length or short sports type.

Mobile Phones:
Mobile telephones must be switched off at all times when on the golf course.

Care of the Course:
We would appreciate your help in keeping the course tidy by observing the following rules:

* Play from designated yellow and red tee markers. White tees are reserved for club competition play only.
* All divots made on the fairway must be replaced (and in the rough).
* Bunkers must be raked after use. Please leave the rake in the bunker.
* Pitch marks on greens must be repaired.
* Wide wheeled trolleys are allowed on the course (except when a trolley ban is in operation), but please observe directional trolley signs.
* Please keep to pathways wherever possible.
* Please allow greens staff to complete any maintenance work on green or fairway before continuing to play.
* Try to avoid slow play and invite faster players to come through.
* Place all litter in the bins provided.

We kindly advise all visiting golfers to bring carry bags during the winter months, as trolleys may not be allowed if the weather is poor.