Fakenham Golf Club
Club Officers

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Club Officers

Club Captain- Robert Janney

It is a great honour to be elected as Captain of Fakenham Golf Club for 2024.

Fakenham Golf course is an excellent course which can be challenging with the 5th considered one of the best holes to play in Norfolk.
I am looking forward to be working closely with The Lady Captain, Nicola Clayson, Senior Captain Kevin Nicholson and Vice-Captain James Cane.

My Captain’s Charity for the year is Prostate Cancer UK, it is a very important charity to me personally and I hope you will all join me in supporting them throughout my Captaincy and beyond.

Wishing you all the best for 2024 and hope you have an enjoyable season.

Lady Captain - Kate Lakey

Hi, I'm Kate, Club Secretary and for 2025 Lady Captain.

I have dabbled in golf for many years. Whilst in my 30's after I was given a 7 iron and some lessons for a birthday present. I quickly fell in love with the game but like many ladies life got in the way. In 2021, after returning back to Norfolk I joined Fakenham Golf Club and for the first time played regular golf.

As Ladies’ Captain I want to encourage as many women as possible, young and older to enjoy this brilliant, frustrating game. Golf is one of the few games that grandmothers can play with grandchildren. I know it can be daunting to join a new club – don’t worry, here at Fakenham you will be given a warm welcome. Come play and join us!

Senior Captain - Malcolm Lyman

I started playing golf in my teens, thoroughly enjoying the sport, but, due to education, family and work commitments, I set aside my clubs for over thirty years. However, after coming back to golf in my mid fifties, just in time to play with the seniors, golf has once again become a passion of mine, and I have fully enjoyed this challenging game ever since.

As Seniors Captain I will strive to grow our seniors section here at Fakenham Golf Club, encourage and welcome newcomers of all abilities to join our friendly group.

'Seniors rollup' is every Tuesday morning from 7:30am and the first tee off at 8:00am. If you are 55 or over, come along to Fakenham Golf Club and join us; you will get a warm welcome.

Club President - Randy Reynolds

Welcome to Fakenham Golf Club a gem of a 9 hole course in the beautiful area of North Norfolk. To be president of such a friendly, well run, and great course for the last 10 years has been an honour and real pleasure.

I started playing here in 1992, the usual advance into golf when all other physical sports became just that bit harder and as soon as you start, the words (should have done this years ago).

Joined the golf club committee in 1996 and became captain in 2006 and enjoyed a great year.

Usually have my president’s week in early August where members are invited to play in different competitions concluding with final of the year’s 9 hole competition run throughout the summer for all members over 6 Fridays then Saturday President Day.

Hope you enjoy your experience at this wonderful club as either a visitor or prospective member.

All the very best